Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Candy Alternatives

We love a good Halloween night as much as the next person, but we don’t love all the candy involved. While it may taste like a treat, the real trick will be when your teeth are full of cavities or you have to come in to see us because of damaged braces. Skip the candy, skip the hassle! Fortunately, there are many activities you can enjoy on Halloween without sacrificing your teeth. Need suggestions? Read on!
  1. Watch a scary movie. What better way to get in the Halloween spirit than with a spooky film? We recommend going classic with the original Halloween or The Shining. If you’re a scaredy cat, there are options for you too! Pop in Hocus Pocus to watch with little ones.
  2. Play dress up. This is the perfect time to have a costume fashion show. Grab a group of friends for a party and host the best costume contest around.
  3. Carve a pumpkin together. Nothing brings friends together like getting slimy pumpkin all over everyone’s hands! Stay traditional and carve a jack-o-lantern, or get creative and carve your favorite celebrity! There are thousands of tutorials online.
  4. Share ghost stories. Gather everyone around, dim the lights, and give everyone a go at telling their best spooky tale. It will get everyone in the Halloween spirit in no time!
Bonus: Build a campfire outside and make s’mores during story time.

We know that asking everyone to completely lay off the Halloween candy is never going to work, but with these activities, you can skip trick-or-treating and eat candy in moderation. Whatever your plans are for Friday evening, we hope it’s fun, spooky, and most of all, safe! Have a great one and make sure you do as much smiling as you do screaming!

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