Monday, October 20, 2014

A Toothy Halloween

Halloween is quickly approaching and if you still don’t have a costume, it’s time to act! While we do not endorse eating candy, we still believe in a rocking costume. If you’re out of ideas, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorites!

1. Shark: You have to appreciate those chompers! Sharks have so many teeth and what’s even cooler, is that they are easily replaced. Every time one falls out, another just pops up! Wouldn’t it be fun to pretend to be one for a day?

2. Vampire: Have you ever seen a vampire with bad teeth? We sure haven’t. Whether you go as the infamous Dracula or a member of the Twilight Cullen clan, make sure the teeth are on point! See what we did there?

 3. Tooth Fairy: Everyone loves the tooth fairy! She’s sweet and brings a consolation prize every time you lose a tooth. Skip the tricks and treat everyone with the sight of you in a tutu and tiara. Don’t forget a tooth shaped wand!

Whatever you decide to dress up as this year, don’t forget to have fun, be safe, and take care of your teeth! Keep the candy to a minimum – moms and dads, we’re counting on you to be our eyes and ears out there! 

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