Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Everyone deserves a smile

At Texas Orthodontics, when we say, "We're Gonna Make You Smile®," we mean it! That's why we've set our prices to be the most affordable in San Antonio. But beyond that, we've made it one of our missions to service those who can't always help themselves. Dr. Hurst and his team have taken on a few pro-bono cases for some truly extraordinary individuals.

As you may remember, Texas Orthodontics partnered with Boysville last Christmas and we were introduced to one of the residents, Crystal. Boysville is a safe place for children in crisis who cannot remain in their own home for a variety of reasons. Its children come from homes that are in crisis, due to emotional, physical or sexual abuse. Sometimes a parent cannot take care of the child due to a terminal illness and do not have the support of family to take care of the children. By providing food, shelter, clothing and medical services, they are able to provide the basic necessities needed to make the child feel safe and comfortable at Boysville. Crystal has been a patient for about a year now and we are about to take on another child from Boysville.

For a long time, Dr. Hurst has wanted to give back to the military community by helping a wounded warrior. This summer, we found the perfect candidate and cannot wait to start treatment on him. We’ll give you the whole story when we get him in the office.

Dr. Hurst and his team know the power of a smile and they want to share that with San Antonio. The feeling of self-confidence that comes from a beautiful smile is truly priceless. We are honored to help San Antonio smile.

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