Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Get to Know: Elizabeth Gonzalez

We love our Texas Orthodontics family! Get to know more about one of our team members: Elizabeth Gonzalez!

Favorites -
Color: Purple
Team: San Francisco Giants
Book: Anything by Edgar Allen Poe
Movie: Burlesque
Candy: Snickers

Her bucket list:
1. Travel to Europe
2. Become a vet
3. Go skydiving 

Who would you choose to play you in a TV Show?
Scarlett Johansson

If someone wrote a book about you, what would the title be?
Elizabeth's Odd Life

Who inspires you?
My little brother. He may not know it, but I want to be a great role model, help him be better than me and to accomplish all his goals.

What is your dream vacation?
Europe! I want to enjoy the views and take in all of the history!

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with others about life?
Enjoy everything you, never stop learning and always keep an open mind about learning new things. 

If you could witness one event (past, present, future) which would you choose?
See my brother earn his master's degree.

What is your why?
My passion to help animals helps me know that all of the years of school ahead of me are worth it if it means I get to do what I love.

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