Monday, October 13, 2014

Appointments don't have to be scary!

Arriving to your orthodontist appointment can cause anxiety and nervousness. As you sit in the waiting room, you may worry that you’ll feel pain or discomfort during your examination. This is completely normal. Orthodontist appointments can be scary! Luckily, there are ways you can lower your anxiety and have a pleasant orthodontic experience.

First, come in with a clear and calm mind. If you arrive to your appointment with a high anxiety level, it will be hard to calm yourself down. The day of your appointment, take deep breaths whenever you feel yourself tense up about the appointment and remind yourself that everything is going to be fine. By taking deep breaths and using positive self-talk, you’ll be ready to go when your name is called.

Second, don’t worry about your appointment. Going to the orthodontist is something you cannot avoid, so what’s the point of worrying about it? Instead, think about all of the positive results that will come from each appointment. Your teeth will be straight and beautiful! Remember this and you may find yourself excited as you come into Texas Orthodontics.

Lastly, if you’re still nervous when you take a seat in your chair, talk to your orthodontist. We’re here not only to make your smile beautiful, but to make the whole experience comfortable. 

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