Monday, September 8, 2014

Wisdom Teeth

Who doesn’t remember that fantastic comeback in The Little Rascals when Alfalfa claims he’s just had his wisdom teeth removed and Spanky replies with, “Well that explains why you’re acting so stupid!” It makes for great cinematic enjoyment, but wisdom teeth actually have no impact on how smart you are. What they can impact is your oral health by causing damage to other teeth, the jawbone, or nerves. It’s also possible that wisdom teeth only partially break through the gum which makes it easier for bacteria to enter and cause infection – yikes! So what if your dentist tells you it’s time to yank them out? Don’t panic! Inform yourself about why it’s important and what kind of procedure to expect.

So you’re having your wisdom teeth removed. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid the pain. You can choose anesthesia or laughing gas – typically, it’s up to the patient. What’s the difference? The biggest difference is that if you choose laughing gas, you will be awake and able to hear and see everything. The anxiety will go away and you won’t feel pain, but if you think watching will make you uncomfortable, go for anesthesia.

After the procedure, you will experience some pain and discomfort as well as swelling. Don’t expect swelling to go down immediately – in fact, it will probably get worse before it gets better. Have fun taking chipmunk selfies! It’s important that you stick to a liquid diet for the first 24 hours – think yummy smoothies and milkshakes! Don’t drink from a straw though, as this may cause blood clots to loosen. In the few days after, munch on soft foods like mashed potatoes and pasta. Stay away from steak or anything else that requires a lot of chewing.

Remember that having wisdom teeth removed now will help you prevent more painful complications in the future. There’s no need to worry about the procedure since you’ll be in the hands of professionals who remove thousands of wisdom teeth a year – literally. If you’re considering orthodontic treatment, removing wisdom teeth may also be necessary. Ask your dentist about the development of your wisdom teeth and whether or not it’s time to get them removed. 

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