Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Teeth Matter

Many people dream of their teeth falling out. Maybe “dream” isn’t the right word – most people would describe it as a nightmare. Why is that? Teeth are important, but have you ever stopped to think about why they’re so vital and why losing them is a scary thought? We have and we have to say, a world without teeth would be a difficult one to live in!

Teeth obviously help us to eat and even appear more attractive. Without them, eating many of our favorite foods and treats would be impossible! Say good bye to chips, burgers, and chewing gum! The way we communicate would be drastically different as well. Teeth play a huge role in our language. Try saying “that’s terrific” without your tongue or lips touching your teeth. How’d that work out for you? Without teeth, language as we know it would cease to exist.
Those are the obvious benefits of teeth, but we bet you didn’t know some of these lesser known ones. Anthropologists love teeth because they reveal so much about people. Teeth can help determine the age and race of a person, past or present. Further, everyone’s teeth are unique which is why dental records and x-rays are sometimes used when solving a crime using fingerprints isn’t an option.  
If we didn’t have teeth, life would be much different from the one we know. Remember, if we’re fortunate enough to have teeth, we should do our best to take care of them. Brush twice a day, floss, and make routine visits to your dentist! Keep those pearly whites in shape and life will be that much easier.

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