Monday, September 29, 2014

Ask a Dumb Question Day

It seems that there’s a day for everything – and we do mean everything. Tomorrow is Ask a Dumb Question Day, and while we don’t believe there are any dumb questions when it comes to orthodontics, we’ll go over the answers to some questions you may be too bashful to ask.

1.       Will I be able to talk normally with braces?
Absolutely! At first, they may feel a bit weird and like they’re getting in the way, but in a day or two, your tongue and mouth will adapt and you’ll sound just like you did before!

2.       Can I still play sports after I get braces?
So many think that they will have to stop playing sports with braces to avoid causing cuts or sores, but this is not true. It’s always a good idea to wear a mouth guard though, especially when playing contact sports.

3.       Will I still be able to play my instrument?
We’ve had many clients who are musically gifted and play in their school’s band. While it will take some time to readjust your embouchure, having braces will not prohibit you from playing an instrument. Just be prepared for extra practice time to get used to the new feeling!

4.       Am I too old for braces?
You can never be too old for braces. If you’re worried about the look, Invisalign is a great alternative!
Never be afraid to give us a call if you have any doubts, questions, or concerns. We’re here to help clear any confusion and get you ready to have the smile you’ve always wanted! Remember, there are no dumb questions, but what better day to ask them than tomorrow?

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