Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Benefits of Braces (Besides Straight Teeth)

When we think of braces, we think of the end result-straight pearly whites. However, there are many more benefits to braces than what meets the eye. Below are four benefits of being a brace face. Let’s begin with the first one:

1   Tooth Decay and Gum Disease- Crooked and crowded teeth often overlap one another, which can make it difficult to brush and floss effectively, giving way to bacteria and plaque buildup. This buildup can eventually lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Orthodontic treatment can help remedy both of these issues by properly aligning teeth, which allows for effective cleaning and flossing.

2    Difficulties with Speech- Believe it or not, your teeth play a significant role in speech. When teeth are not aligned and spaced properly, lean too far forward, or too far backward, speech patterns are negatively affected. With braces, teeth are repositioned and make way for clearer speech.

3     Bone Erosion-Bone and gum tissues begin to deteriorate when there are no teeth to support. This is true crooked teeth that allow for spaces and gaps or place too much pressure on the jawbone due to a bad bite. With braces treatment, the bones and tissues are less likely to deteriorate and can continue to support the teeth in their new alignment.

4   Digestion- Your teeth are the first helpers in the digestion process. Before food enters into your body, your teeth break down the food into sizes that are easily digestible.  If teeth are severely crooked, this digestion process can be disrupted, as food is not broken down properly before entering into the stomach. With braces, your teeth will be able to properly breakdown food into the necessary sizes for eating and chewing. 

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