Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fixed Retainers: A Permanent Responsibility

You get your braces off and the slimy-toothed feeling of your metal-less mouth and the freedom from brackets, bands and bumpers is relieving. Now the doc wants you to wear retainers to hold your teeth into place. You will either receive removable or permanent retainers for your top and bottom teeth, at the discretion of your orthodontist.  

If you are prescribed a permanent retainer, you will be advised to clean it, because just like braces, food loves to get stuck in the hardest-to-clean places such as a permanent bottom retainer. To remove the plaque, you must:

Select a quality toothpaste. Ask your orthodontist or dentist on which toothpaste they recommend

Brush the retainer area carefully. Sometimes electric toothbrushes are efficient in reaching these areas

Floss. The bonding on the fixed retainer makes it difficult to remove food and plaque. Ask your orthodontist for a special and stronger floss if regular floss isn’t doing the trick

Use mouthwash. Mouth rinses reduce plaque and fluoride reduces tooth decay

Regular check-ups and cleanings. While all of these steps will help, these cleanings are essential to remove the remaining plaque that brushing cannot

Bonded retainers are great, because unlike removable retainers, they won’t get lost or simply not worn. Fixed appliances are always in place to perform their duty, but this doesn’t take all of the responsibility off of you. Make sure that you follow these essential steps every day and maintain a healthy smile!

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