Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Don't Repeat the Past, Retain A Straight Smile

Nearly 25% of orthodontic patients have to get braces again because they didn’t wear their retainers.

Here are some do’s and don’ts in caring for your retainer to avoid needing braces in the future. Or, if this is your second time with braces, how not to repeat the past:


Clean your retainer daily by brushing it with a toothbrush in warm water

Soak your retainer in water when you’re not wearing it so that it doesn’t dry out


Use warm water when rinsing your retainer

To prevent warping, do not wash your retainer with hot water or leave it near a heat source


Plastic, Essix, retainers require dentures cleaner or a retainer cleansing product as opposed to a toothbrush, which may damage it

Occasionally soak your metal, Hawley, retainer in one of these solutions to help reduce calculus buildup

Note: Rinse your retainer off before putting it back in your mouth


Keep your retainer in its case when you eat so that you don't accidentally throw it away

If you have a permanent retainer, do not eat anything hard or sticky – this will prevent breakage


When visiting your dentist, take your retainer in for cleaning, too. Your dental hygienist can use ultrasonic cleaning to blast away dental calculus deposits that you cannot remove on your own

Not wearing a retainer will almost guarantee that your teeth will shift, so comply to these simple and essential steps. Braces are only fun the first time! 

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