Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Change You Can See

Does anything really compare to the feeling of getting your braces off? You feel like a brand new person. It's a difference that people can and will physically see. The placement and removal of braces can be exciting and even a dramatic experience or change. Friends and family compliment your new appearance as if you actually did the work yourself as opposed to you being forced into the braces and constantly reminded and reprimanded to take proper care. But once those suckers are off, doesn't your one to two year orthodontic sentence feel worth it? 

So many things that we essentially "work toward" are intangible or go unnoticed, but what if we approached other goals and hopeful changes the same way we did with braces. The ingredients are discipline, patience and self-control. Apply this to every change that you wish to make in your life and they won't go unnoticed. Take control of your life, and don't forget to smile.

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