Monday, January 13, 2014

Dental Resolutions

Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions for 2014? How about a resolution for your mouth? Here are the top four resolutions you can make for your oral hygiene –

  1. Visit your dentist – When was the last time you visited your dentist? If you can’t answer this off the top of your head, it’s time for a visit. Every patient should be visiting their dentist two times a year. Regular check-ups are the key to prevention. Schedule your appointment today.
  2. Brush – Everyone brushes their teeth after every meal, right? Wrong. Truth is, only about 28.7% of women and 20.5% of men brush their teeth after every meal. It sounds inconvenient, but you’ll teeth will be forever grateful.
  3. Floss – Just like brushing your teeth, flossing is an essential part of your overall oral health. Floss removes plaque that can’t be removed by brushing.  If you wear braces, it also helps remove plaque from those little spaces between wires and brackets. 
  4. Change your toothbrush – Studies show that after three months, toothbrushes are no longer as effective at removing plaque from teeth and gums. If you wear braces, you may have to replace your toothbrush more often, as the brackets create additional wear and tear on the bristles.  

Make your mouth a priority in 2014! 

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