Monday, August 18, 2014

Pearly Whites

When’s the last time you heard your dentist or orthodontist say, “Now let me see those pearly yellows!” Never. However, we do understand that it can be a challenge to keep teeth looking perfectly white. After a while, the food and drinks we consume begin to stain our teeth and we need much more than a good brushing to get the stain out. Luckily, there are ways you can prevent your teeth from staining in the first place!

The best thing to do would be to avoid drinking soda, coffee, tea and wine all together, but we know that’s a tall order. If you can’t resist, drink these drinks with a straw so that they don’t wash over your front teeth. Make sure your coffee is cool enough first. You don’t want to burn your tongue, now.

So what about what you can consume? We promise this isn’t just a list of what you can’t have. There are some foods that are natural stain fighters. They gently scrub your teeth as you chew and help you produce saliva which conveniently enough is our natural defense against acid. Apples, carrots, celery, and cauliflower top the list. Hard cheeses are also great for a scrub.  

Don’t forget to brush and floss! Plaque is a pesky thing that’s hard to get rid of and it gives stains something to cling to. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash twice a day can really help to prevent plaque from building up. Once it’s there, your dentist needs special tools to get rid of it, so don’t neglect making an appointment twice a year.

If all else fails, ask your dentist about a whitening treatment or toothpaste. Some may actually damage enamel and make teeth and gums extra sensitive so don’t just pick up the first one you see at the grocery store. Your dentist can help you choose a safe and effective treatment or may schedule you for a visit just for whitening. Whatever your methods, whiter teeth can make you more confident in what is already a beautiful smile!

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