Monday, August 4, 2014

Before Braces

Before we can begin treatment, there are a few things our adult patients and future patients should know.

Get checked-out first – Not everyone is a candidate for braces right away. It’s necessary that patients have good oral health before beginning treatment. Make sure to visit your dentist for a proper cleaning and check-up. They might refer you to another specialist like a periodontist or other oral health care providers. Once you get the thumbs up from them – we can begin treatment.

Gums and jaw health – One of the other important things to consider is the state of your gums and jaw bones. If you have unhealthy gums, a lot of gum recession, or bone loss, braces may not be recommended because the pressure they put on your gums could cause unfavorable complications.

See an orthodontist – You may love your family dentist, and he or she may have told you that they can "do your braces" for a lot less money than an orthodontist. While this is very nice, it's also a big gamble. Orthodontists are specially trained in tooth movement and jaw function; dentists are not. Yes, some dentists have taken a few course hours to learn how to do Invisalign or other types of treatment, but that is not the main thing that they do.

If you have any questions, give us a call at 210.354.3131 and we’d be happy to answer! 

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