Monday, August 11, 2014

National Smile Week

If you haven’t had a reason to smile today yet, we’ll give you one now. It’s National Smile Week! So go ahead – smile. In celebration, here are some fun facts about smiling that we bet you didn’t know.
  1. There are many kinds of smiles that mean different things about the person behind it. These smiles express different emotions. Think about it. The smile that comes from you finding something funny is different from the polite smile you flash at a stranger on the street.
  2. People perceive you as more attractive when smiling as opposed to not. In fact, 69% of people find women more attractive when they’re smiling than when they’re wearing makeup!
  3. Simply smiling can help reduce stress. Smiling releases endorphins which, you know – make us happy!
  4. Smiling is actually contagious. This isn’t just a myth!
  5. Smiling is universal and one of your first expressions as a baby. All newborns smile and therefore scientists have found that smiling is not learned – it’s a completely natural reflex and is just part of being a human.

Whether or not you’re sporting braces, get your smile on this week. There’s never been a better time for it.

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