Friday, November 8, 2013

Healthy Teeth, Healthy Life

With all of the resources we have in this day and age, it isn’t hard to know what type of things are good and bad for your teeth. Everyone knows the healthy teeth routine: Brush twice a day, floss daily, and take regular visits to your healthcare professional. Yet even though this information has been reiterated to us since we were children, we still insist on consuming those delicious, yet harmful, drinks exposing our teeth to some nasty bacteria. Here is a brief list of beverages that you should consider cutting back on or even giving up completely to make your teeth healthier and even benefit your overall health.

·         Sugary drinks: These drinks contain so much acid that they bathe the teeth every time that you take a sip. Pick up some water instead!

·         Alcohol: Consuming alcohol causes the body to produce significantly lower amounts of saliva. The saliva made by the body acts as a natural cleanser, because it cleans out left behind food particles and acts as a shield against acids.

·         Coffee: You may not know it, but coffee can make your teeth sticky, and this stickiness allows for an increased amount of food to stick on and around the teeth, which unless you’re saving some for later, is never a good thing.

Cutting back on these three things may be more difficult than you think, but with a little determination and a lot of self-control, you’ll be on your way to healthier teeth and a healthier life. 

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