Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Save the Teeth. Sip a Straw.

According to Medical News Today, the average American consumes almost 45 gallons of soft drinks per year. Along with causing health problems, this sugary addiction may also cause problems for the mouth and specifically the teeth.

Allowing sugary and acidic beverages to dwell in the mouth is one of the top sources for cavities among Americans. In a perfect world, we would not have the temptation of acidic sugary drinks and we could contently consume water all day, but as we all know, we do not live in a perfect world. However, we do in a world with straws.

Yes, straws! These small tiny liquid transporters will be a starting point in trying to reduce the amount of tooth decay due to sugary drinks. There  is a proper placement of the straw that will allow minimum amounts of sugar and acid to travel through the mouth (remember that your throat is thirsty not your teeth). If you place the straw directly in front of your teeth behind your upper lip then you are exposing too much of the front of your mouth, and you will find the decay there.

If you drink directly from a can then more than likely you will see eroding in back of the mouth area near the molars. Of course, it's always best to substitute water for one of those sugary beverages. Always remember that a clean mouth is a happy mouth! 

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