1. Hold the door open for someone any chance you get. Show that chivalry, regardless of who you are. People will be in a hurry during the holidays. This is a good way to help them on their way.
2. Bake some goodies for your neighbors, officemates or old friends who may not be expecting it. Who doesn't like some delicious holiday treats? (Just don't use too much sugar - take care of those teeth!)
3. Celebrate the season. Tell your cashiers, customers or strangers you pass on the street, "Merry Christmas," "Happy Hannukah," and "Happy Holidays!" It will take the Scrooge out of people.
4. Buy coffee or a meal for the person behind you when you're out to grab your morning Joe or a quick bite to eat. The chain of paying it forward is an incredible one. Get it started.
5. Smile! Our goal every day is to make you smile, so take that smile out to the world and share it with others. You never know how much your beautiful smile could positively impact someone who needs a kick of holiday cheer this season.
Happy December to all!