Monday, November 24, 2014

A Braces Safe Thanksgiving Feast

We know that getting braces often means having to learn all about the foods that you can’t eat. Luckily, this post is different. Be thankful that there are many foods you can enjoy this Thanksgiving. If you’re not sure if your favorite dish is ok, read on for a list of some of the most classic Thanksgiving foods that are 100% orthodontist approved!
  1. Turkey! What’s Thanksgiving without turkey (it’s not called Turkey Day for no reason)?! As long as you’re not eating it off the bone, this staple will be perfectly safe. Bonus points if you cut it up into small bites!
  2. You’re free to eat all the sweet potatoes and/or mashed potatoes as your heart and belly desire. 
  3. Stuffing is as yummy as it is safe as long as you keep the ingredients nice and soft. 
  4. Green beans are typically prepared in such a way that makes them the perfect texture for people with braces. 
  5. We know dessert is one thing you can’t avoid on Thanksgiving. Just make sure you stay away from crunchy ones (that means none of grandma’s pecan pie, but plenty of pumpkin!).

There’s no reason not to be able to enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal just because you have braces. As is the case with all meals, make sure that you exercise caution and good judgment when serving yourself on Thursday. You are completely free to stuff yourself! 

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