Wednesday, April 16, 2014

More than a Bad Habit

Some people do it because they’re nervous, others because they’re bored. Some folks probably don’t even know how often they do it. What’s worse is they don’t realize the consequences.
So what is it?

Onychophagia—an arguably, unnecessarily complicated way of saying nail biting.

If you’re a nail biter or ever have been one, you probably remember your mother snapping, “That’s a disgusting habit!” Well, she was right. Nails are full of bacteria, more so than your hands. In fact, the bacteria that nails harbor make them almost twice as germy as fingers alone. Think of that next time you have the urge to chomp down!

What about the issues this habit may cause your teeth, though? Constantly chewing on nails can wear teeth down overtime, causing them to become weak or crooked. This is especially harmful for those with braces. Nail biting puts extra stress and pressure on teeth and weakens roots, prolonging the time you will need to wear braces.

Still not convinced? Consider this. People who bite their nails were found to have to spend $4,000 more on dental health care overtime. Yikes! Love shopping? Think of how many cool things you could buy with $4,000 instead of using that money to fix an easily preventable problem.

How can you kick the habit? Don’t worry. We have some tips to get you to keep your nails away from your teeth so that you can be back on your way to a perfect smile!
  • Wear a coat of nail polish or two to discourage you from biting. This isn’t limited to girls. A couple of coats of clear polish is invisible but won’t taste good if you take a bite, guys!
  • Since nail biting often occurs due to stress, try other methods to help you relax. Yoga, meditating, or even a nice hot bath can go a long way.
  • Keep your nails trimmed short. Notice that we didn’t suggest you do this by biting them! Use a nail clipper to regularly trim your nails and get rid of the temptation that comes with longer nails.
  • Remember—biting your nails isn’t worth the money that will eventually have to be spent on tooth repair! 
Stay on the right track to get that beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. We’ll help you get there. 

Photo Credit: BriannaJayde Photography via Compfight cc

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