Monday, April 7, 2014

10 Thoughts After Getting Braces

Those first moments sporting a new set of braces can be a little overwhelming. There are so many questions that run through your mind, you forget to ask half of them. If you’ve been wearing braces for a while now, you’ll probably read through this list and giggle now that you know some of the things you thought were just downright silly. If you’re getting ready to get braces soon, take comfort in the fact that you’re not the only one with questions and concerns. Here’s our list of 10 of the funniest and most common thoughts people have after getting braces for the first time.

  1. Wait, I can’t eat what?
  2. My mouth is sore. How long does this last?
  3. I don’t see how this is going to make my teeth straight.
  4. Oh, I have to come back so you can adjust them—that makes more sense. Carry on.
  5. Mom is trying to take a picture of me. Should I smile? Mouth closed or braces showing?
  6. Am I going to set off metal detectors now? That’s kind of embarrassing, but also pretty cool.
  7. How does one apply this wax that you speak of?
  8. At least I don’t need headgear…wait, I’m not going to need headgear right?
  9. I hope this color doesn’t look weird. Maybe I should have gone with purple.
  10. If Katy Perry can look fabulous in braces, so can I!

Just to set the record straight, you will not set off any metal detectors with your new braces! Feel free to travel via airplane to your heart’s content. Remember, there’s no reason why you can’t look and feel as great as people without braces. Because of your braces, you’re on your way to a perfectly straight smile that will leave you feeling more confident than ever. That’s something to celebrate!

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