Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Love the job you have

Confucius said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

In case you didn’t know, Confucius is a pretty smart guy. It’s so important to take joy in every thing you do. We’re on this planet for such a finite time, why would you waste it doing something you didn’t love?

When you love your job, work not only goes by quicker, but you are even MORE inclined to think of new and innovative ways to spend your time there. You are more productive and at the end of the day, you feel like you’ve accomplished something great.

The workplace is where we spend most of our waking-hours. When you love your job, the workplace is just an extension of home and your co-workers start to feel like family.

Find your passions, follow them and discover your purpose. You’ll find your life’s work to be much more satisfying.

I am thankful to have the job I do, because I love nothing more than to see people smile. Our whole office loves to see people smile – that’s why we’re in the business of it!

You have three options when it comes to your work: Love it, change it or leave it!

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