Monday, November 10, 2014

Smile at a Veteran

At Texas Orthodontics, we love to make people smile. It’s literally what we do for a living. It must always be acknowledged however, that all of the rights we have that make us happy would cease to exist if it weren’t for our veterans. It is only because of their sacrifice that we are able to live without ever knowing such a heavy burden. We tire of the arguing and the differences in beliefs and views that seem to be hot political topics every day, but we forget that the ability to express these opposing points of view is a freedom we have only because of men and women who sacrificed their lives for it. 

We must never forget to be grateful. This country is forever indebted. We can never repay those brave men and women for making this country what it is, but with humble hearts full of gratitude, we can thank them, and through acts of kindness, humility, patience, and patriotism, may we never stop trying to prove ourselves worthy of their sacrifice.

Thank a veteran tomorrow. It’s the least we can do to let them know that their service will never be forgotten. Smile at a veteran every day – they fought for the freedom that allows you to do so.

Veterans, check out this list of what you can get for free or at great discounts tomorrow!

Thank you for your service. 

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