Monday, July 21, 2014

Invisalign Teen makes orthodontics easy

Teens are busy people. Between tests, Homecoming, football games, practice and first dates, there leaves little time for metal braces and the extra time it takes to take care of them – that’s where Invisalign Teen comes in. Here are three reasons why Invisalign Teen makes orthodontics easy –

1. Eat like you want - When you have standard metal braces, there are a number of things that are off-limits such as gum, popcorn, sticky candies and whole fruits. With Invisalign Teen, the aligners are completely removable, allowing you to eat all of your favorite foods whenever you want. This also means you can easily keep brushing and flossing as you normally would for proper oral hygiene.

2. They’re completely clear – Looking back at photos from high school are awkward enough without metal braces gleaming back at you. With Invisalign Teen, you can have the confidence of knowing that your smile is improving without the physical reminder.

3. Enjoy life as a teen – Whether you play sports or a musical instrument, a mouth full of metal can hold you back from enjoying the things you want to. It’s hard to perform at your best knowing you could get hit in the mouth with a ball, or cut your lip trying to hit that note on the trumpet. Invisalign Teen helps you focus on doing what you do best—being a teen.

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