Monday, July 14, 2014

Braces Myths Debunked

Some time ago, a TV show called Braceface hit television screens in the U.S. and Canada. The main character, Sharon Spitz had a mouthful of silver braces like many teens do today, though her set was a little unique. Because of the metal in her mouth, she picked up radio and telephone frequencies and was often smacked in the face by her locker which flew open because it was attracted to the magnets on her teeth. Wait, magnets on her teeth? Thanks Sharon for making people across North America believe that braces are magnetic. That’s just one of the crazy myths that are out there about braces. Below are some of the most popular and widespread orthodontic rumors that people believe.
            Braces are magnetic. We mentioned this one above, but it’s worth clarifying one more time. The metals used in braces are absolutely not magnetized. If you wear braces, you will not get stuck to your locker or band instrument.

·         Braces will set off metal detectors. This is simply not true. Travel via plane all you want. You won’t have any trouble getting past security because of your braces.

·         Braces will pick up radio transmissions. Seriously, who even came up with this one? Braces will absolutely not pick up any kind of wireless frequencies.

·         If two people with braces kiss, their wires will get stuck together. Well, we sure hope not! The wires used in braces are so small that them becoming latched on to something else is extremely unlikely. The food you eat poses a greater threat.

·         Having braces makes you more likely to get struck by lightning. Well, this one is actually true—just kidding! Your odds are exactly the same as those who don’t wear braces. Don’t believe anything else for a second!

When it comes to braces, don’t believe all the rumors and horror tales. Sure, they make for pretty great TV, but there’s no truth to them. Instead, if you are truly concerned, do some research or give us a call. We’d be happy to set the record straight just like your teeth!


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