Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Win FREE braces!


In Honor of National Orthodontic Month, Texas Orthodontics is hosting a braces giveaway titled “We’re Gonna Make You Smile® Makeover!”  This social contest is a continuation of its We’re Gonna Make You Smile® campaign.

The contest will be carried out via Texas Orthodontics’ social media channels beginning today, October 1 and ending December 31, 2014. The giveaway is open to individuals 18 years of age and older. The winner will be awarded a free Masters Series braces treatment, a $3,480 value. To participate in the giveaway, individuals are encouraged to interact with Texas Orthodontics social sites which include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Google +.  

While more than 17,000 orthodontists throughout the U.S., Canada and abroad celebrate National Orthodontic Health Month every October, children anticipate the end of the month to celebrate Halloween. This festive holiday filled with scary movies, attire and haunted houses can also be a scary time for teeth, because Halloween candy negatively affects orthodontic treatment and general dental health. In hopes of switching the focus away from the overabundance of candy and sugar, Texas Orthodontics is using the month of October to promote healthy teeth, dental hygiene and braces best practices. Texas Orthodontics wants to give patients and the entire community a few timely tips to protect braces and aligners and other orthodontic appliances while protecting teeth from decay.

To enter, click the photo above!

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