Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bite Impressions

Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you. First impressions say a lot about who you are and how you take care of yourself. Having straight teeth can improve your overall health and self-esteem, and people will really start to take notice.

Having straight teeth makes it much easier to correctly clean your mouth. Those with crooked or overlapping teeth are capable of missing food particles in between each tooth and around the gums, while having straight teeth makes it easier to brush and floss. Aside from making it simpler to clean, it also makes it easier to eat! Crooked or crowded teeth can compromise chewing and may even result in digestive problems at times.

Do you ever slur your words or bite your tongue when you speak? These may also be side-effects of having a crooked smile. Straightening your teeth can improve your speech and boost your self-confidence to make your everyday life easier and more enjoyable. Straight teeth will also help you avoid having an accident-prone smile. Sometimes protective mouth guards can solve the problem, but often times crooked teeth prevent mouth guards from fitting correctly. Protruding teeth are more likely to break during any kind of collision or hit to the mouth. Not only may your teeth be susceptible to damage, but there is also a chance of injuring your gums, tongue, and inner cheeks.
This may come as a surprise to you, but having straight teeth can also lead to fewer headaches! Crowded teeth may cause them to wear unevenly. This disproportion and wearing puts pressure on the jaw and muscles that surround it, which leads to soreness and headaches. 

The most important positive outcomes from having straight teeth are better overall health and increased self-esteem. Improving your oral hygiene will help keep your teeth free of tooth decay and gum disease, which can both lead to other problems throughout the body such as heart disease and high blood pressure. Having a clean, straight smile can boost your confidence in whatever setting you may be found. Whether you are at school, work, or any other social environment, having a confident smile will not only make your day more enjoyable, but can also be contagious to others around you and make them want to smile as well. 

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