Monday, May 19, 2014

Why it’s important to see your regular dentist during orthodontic treatment

We know how much you love coming to our staff during your orthodontic treatment but, believe it or not, it’s also important to schedule appointments with your regular dentist during this time.


While Dr. Hurst is a dentist, that is not his primary job. He hasn’t cleaned a set of teeth in a very long time. The number one reason why you should see your dentist is to remove tartar and plaque build-up. As you know, it’s a little harder to keep your teeth clean while you undergo orthodontic treatment. Tartar and plaque can easily grow around your brackets and lead to stains or decay – your dentist can help prevent this and keep your mouth cavity-free.

The next reason to visit a dentist is to help protect your teeth from decalcification - the loss of calcium in your teeth. A potentially serious condition in which white spots on your tooth surfaces, decalcification is irreversible and if left untreated, can also lead to cavities. Cavities can actually delay your orthodontic treatment. 

This is a photo of teeth that have been exposed to decalcification.
If you want to get your braces off on their scheduled date, schedule visits every six months to your regular dentist.

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