Monday, January 20, 2014

Stick With Love

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you’ve ever spent time around someone who is constantly negative, you know it can be extremely draining on the psyche. It’s so much easier to dislike something rather than show love toward anything. When we show love, we’re showing vulnerability to a person or a thing that might not feel the same way.  

If there’s something that means something to you, support it.

Think of a cause that really means something to you.
Now, think of a cause that you don’t agree with.

Imagine if you put all of your energy toward the cause that you support rather than hating the cause you don’t? The impact of your positivity is so much greater than your negativity.When we put our positive energy toward anything, we can accomplish great change. You’ve never seen any progress from arguing with someone who feels differently, right? Right.

MLK had it right, stick with love. Hate doesn’t deserve your time.

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