Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Christmas for Boysville and Braces

Christmas is one of my favorite days and seasons of the year. Despite the rush, crowds and stress that can be seen or self-induced, it's easy to look past that to see the spirit of Christmas that resides in the love and cheer of so many.

We were given a gift on the first Christmas, so it's important to us at Texas Orthodontics to give to others with a spirit of holiday cheer. This season, we had the opportunity to do just that. Our friends at Boysville, a campus designed to help children in crisis who cannot remain in their own home, visited our office with a young gal named Crystal, one of the Boysville residents, so that we could surprise and treat her to a set of braces. 

It's our Christmas gift to her, and it was an honor to be able to serve such a sweet girl, and give her what we love to give every day - a smile. 

Christmas is about sharing smiles. It's about putting on love and giving it out. It's about being kind and good humans. It's about being a part of the spirit and the gift that was given to us thousands of years ago. It's about peace on earth and good will toward men. Embrace it. Live in it. Celebrate it.

Here's to you, Crystal. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year, and we look forward to that smile continuing to shine with each visit you come back to share with us. Merry Christmas to all!

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