Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fact or Fiction: Caring for your teeth

The statements below are some that we hear with consistency from our patients. Some are true, some are false. Today, we'll clear up the differences between fact and fiction.

It is okay to whiten your teeth at home.


Although over-the-counter whitening products are safe, they won’t always work. If you have had bonding or tooth-colored fillings, the teeth whitener will not affect the color.

If you never have tooth pain or pain in your mouth, you don’t need to go to the dentist or orthodontist.


Don’t wait to schedule an appointment. If you wait, you put yourself at high risk for not being able to treat a cavity or gum disease. It is encouraged that you visit your dentist or orthodontist regularly in order to prevent this from happening.

Tooth decay is something you can outgrow.


Tooth decay doesn’t affect just the young or the old, it affects everyone. For this reason, developing good dental habits is essential to living a healthier life.

You are supposed to floss daily.


Although it might seem silly to take time out of your busy schedule to floss, it will help your mouth to stay fresh and clean. If flossing isn’t something that you normally do, try putting it by the TV remote and floss during commercials.

If your teeth are white, they are healthy.


White teeth aren’t clean teeth. In order to have a clean mouth you need to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes, and floss daily. In addition to that, make regular appointments to ensure that your mouth is clean and healthy.

Taking care of your teeth is just as important as taking care of your body and mind. Always remember that a clean mouth is a happy mouth! 

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