Monday, July 28, 2014

Get to Know: Yolanda Manzano

We love our Texas Orthodontics family! Get to know more about one of our team members: Yolanda Manzano!

Favorites -
Book: Little Women
Movie: A Walk In the Clouds
Color: Purple
Artist: Pink
Candy: Snickers
Team: Dallas Cowboys

Her bucket list:
1. To read all of my books
2. To find someone special
3. To have my place clean for more than one day

Who would you choose to play you in a TV Show?
Julia Roberts

If someone wrote a book about you, what would the title be?
The Wild

Who inspires you?
My children – they are my world.

What is your dream vacation?
Sitting on a beach

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with others about life?
Don’t take things for granted

If you could witness one event (past, present, future) which would you choose?
The crowning of Princess Diana

What is your why?

My kids are the reason for my life and what keeps me going.

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