Monday, June 30, 2014

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy Birthday, America!

 The smell of BBQ, the hot summer heat, laughter of family and friends and the sound of firecrackers going off; what a great day Friday, July 4 will be! Independence Day is a day for all of the United States to come together as one and partake in a celebration that is 238 years old. In honor of our founding fathers and all those who have lost their lives in order to secure this day as a day of freedom, all of us here at Texas Orthodontics would like to wish y’all a happy Independence Day!

Here are a few “did you knows” about this great holiday:

·         The estimated number of people living in the United States in 1776 was 2.5 million
·         According to U.S. World Population, the nation’s estimated population is 318.4 million
·         56 people signed the Declaration of Independence
·         Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman and Robert R. Livingston made up the Committee of Five that drafted the Declaration.  Jefferson, regarded as the strongest and most eloquent writer, wrote most of the document
·         In 2013, the dollar value of U.S. imports of American flags was $4.0 million
·         It is said that pork hot dogs and sausages consumed on the Fourth of July originated in Iowa
·         There is a good chance that the beef hot dogs, steaks and burgers on your backyard grill came from the Lone Star State, which accounted for nearly one-sixth of the nation's total production. 
·          According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Statistics, The value of fireworks imported from China in 2013 was more than $203.6 million

No matter if you’re floating the river, enjoying a concert, having a cook-out with friends and family, or simply relaxing at home, remember this day and be thankful for the land of the free and home of the brave! 
                                                                                           Let Freedom Ring!

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