Monday, March 31, 2014

All Done! What Now?

So, you’re ready to have your braces removed. This is a big day! Before we start jumping for joy, here are a few things you need to know about your final appointment and how to care for your teeth from here on out.

Removing your braces should take about an hour. Don’t worry, this part doesn’t hurt. What you will feel is a little pressure as your braces are being removed. At this appointment, pliers will be used to remove your brackets, your teeth will be cleaned to get rid of any leftover glue, and you should be molded for what comes next—a retainer!

Once those braces are off to reveal a beautifully straight smile, you’ll want to keep it that way. This will require wearing a retainer for a period of time or maybe indefinitely. Don’t worry—this is not the same as braces and sometimes only need to be worn at night as you sleep. It’s important that you are diligent about wearing your retainer as often as instructed. There’s no need for you to be sporting braces twice!

We know that after not being able to munch on so many of your favorite snacks, the first thing you’ll likely want to do is run out and grab a bag of popcorn or some hard candy. Resist the urge for just a little longer! Your teeth and gums will still be sensitive for some time after removing your braces. You’ll need to gradually ease into your old eating habits.

It’s also a good idea to schedule a dental cleaning. There are likely areas of your teeth that have not been cleaned very well since you got your braces. It’s not from a lack of trying, but having braces makes nooks and crannies hard to reach. Dentists have tools to see the spots you can’t and get rid of tartar that has built up.

Last but certainly not least, enjoy your new brace free smile! Show it off, take a #selfie, and be confident. Remember, your new smile only expresses all the beauty that was already inside of you.


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