Tuesday, December 3, 2013

All the Colors of the Rainbow

If you’re finding that choosing the right color for your braces is harder than you thought, check out these tips and tricks to narrow down the search.

·         First, you should consult your orthodontists about a color wheel. A color wheel is a list of colors of bands that your orthodontist has available. It is suggested that you do this before you’re scheduled to put your bands in so that you can think about what colors to choose instead of having to make an impulsive choice.

·         Second, experimenting with different band colors will help you get a better idea of what your braces will look like. Test out combinations. People tend to choose their school colors, the colors of their favorite sports team, colors associated with current holidays, and of course, your personal favorites. If you end up regretting your color choice - don’t fret, just change the colors when you go to get your braces tightened.

·         Finally, keep your braces looking great by practicing good oral hygiene habits daily.

Regardless of the color you choose, we're gonna make you smile!

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