Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Brushing Made Easy

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 28 percent of children (2-5 years old) and 52 percent of children (6-11 years old) have at least one cavity. Treatment for cavities can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a thousand dollars depending on the amount and severity of the cavities. One of the easiest ways to prevent cavities and to potentially save hundreds of dollars is to ensure that your children are brushing their teeth. Yes, it is that simple. But what may not be so simple is getting your child to want to brush their teeth. So, if you’re running out of ways to get your little one to brush his or her teeth or just looking for something to spice up the morning and evening routine, look no further.

Here are a few tips to get you and your family on the right path:

First, change the time when they brush their teeth. Children tend to be either grumpy or defiant when it comes to bedtime. Instead of brushing right before bed, try brushing in between dinner and bedtime. Just make sure that there is no post-dinner snacking.

Second, make brushing teeth a family activity. Children love to imitate their parents, so brush your teeth with them instead of supervising them while they brush.  Take this opportunity to chat about how their day was or something they may be looking forward to in order to keep them engaged.

And finally, make it a party! Something as simple as playing music while brushing makes it seem like less of a chore. Let your child choose a song and you can let loose while brushing your teeth. Use this time not only to improve your family’s brushing routine, but also, to bond with your child.

Make an effort to ensure that your child is taking care of their teeth and that you are taking care of yours, because a little change can help in a big way. 

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