Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Power of Braces on Your Bite

Most people think braces are only utilized for cosmetic reasons and while Dr. Hurst and his team do a great job giving their patients beautiful smiles, there’s so much more to it. Yes, your orthodontist wants you to have straight teeth, but he or she is also concerned about your bite. Are you teeth aligning properly? Does your tongue stick out of your front teeth? Does your jaw hurt or click? Do you have a lot of crowding or large gaps? Are your teeth and gums healthy?

Did you know a proper bite can help alleviate TMJ and the headaches? This is just one of the many medical benefits of braces. Straight teeth are also easier to clean. There aren’t any hidden crevices or hard to reach spots in a well-aligned mouth. If proper brushing and flossing cannot be achieved, tooth decay, gum disease and tooth loss can occur. An improper bite can also alter your ability to chew and speak properly, as well as cause abnormal wear to your enamel.

Next time you think braces are just for looks, remember that they are affecting so much more!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Remember Why We Celebrate

If you're enjoying a day off from work or school today - remember to stop and think about what we are all celebrating. 

Memorial Day is a holiday for remembering the men and women who died while serving in the country's armed forces. The holiday was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the Civil War to honor the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the war. Now, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died while in the military service.

Somewhere in the world, there is a soldier fighting each and every day for the freedoms we take for granted. Somewhere in this country, there is a father, mother, sister or brother mourning the death of a loved one who died protecting our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We live in the great nation we do today because of these brave men and women. We won’t ever be able to thank them enough for what they stood for. God bless our troops – past and present.

Happy Memorial Day from Texas Orthodontics!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Top Things That Make Texas Orthodontics Smile

At Texas Orthodontics, we want to make you smile, but have you ever wondered what makes your orthodontic staff smile?

Wearing your retainer-After your braces are removed, it is critical that you wear your retainer. Teeth have a “memory” and will slowly transition back to how they were. You spend good money on those pearly whites, let’s make sure they stay that way.

 Flossing-Flossing should be done every day, braces or no braces. Flossing prevents cavities between teeth, bad breath and plaque buildup between teeth.

 Not eating hard foods-Eating hard foods can cause your brackets to pop off, which means another trip to the orthodontist for you! Although, we do enjoy your visits, we know y’all have busy schedules and that arranging an unexpected appointment can be a hassle.      

Brushing with an interdental toothbrush-While brushing with a normal toothbrush is great, it is even better when you can clean around your wires and braces, with an interdental (between the teeth) brush. Doing this helps maintain healthy teeth and gums, which is especially important when you have braces.

Using an antibacterial mouthwash-Using an antibacterial mouthwash reduces inflammation to your gums and cheeks and also helps prevent infection and bad breath.                                                     

Those are a few of our favorite things!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Why it’s important to see your regular dentist during orthodontic treatment

We know how much you love coming to our staff during your orthodontic treatment but, believe it or not, it’s also important to schedule appointments with your regular dentist during this time.


While Dr. Hurst is a dentist, that is not his primary job. He hasn’t cleaned a set of teeth in a very long time. The number one reason why you should see your dentist is to remove tartar and plaque build-up. As you know, it’s a little harder to keep your teeth clean while you undergo orthodontic treatment. Tartar and plaque can easily grow around your brackets and lead to stains or decay – your dentist can help prevent this and keep your mouth cavity-free.

The next reason to visit a dentist is to help protect your teeth from decalcification - the loss of calcium in your teeth. A potentially serious condition in which white spots on your tooth surfaces, decalcification is irreversible and if left untreated, can also lead to cavities. Cavities can actually delay your orthodontic treatment. 

This is a photo of teeth that have been exposed to decalcification.
If you want to get your braces off on their scheduled date, schedule visits every six months to your regular dentist.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Cleaning your Invisalign

It only seems natural to clean your Invisalign with toothbrush and toothpaste, but patients should be careful to not be too rough with their aligners. 

When brushing your actual teeth, it’s necessary to use toothpaste and toothbrush because the abrasiveness of the paste helps remove plaque bacteria and food particles from your teeth and gums. When you’re cleaning your Invisalign, patients should use a soft-bristle brush and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to clean the particles left in the cracks of the aligner. Then, soak your aligner in the rinse that your orthodontist gives you or you can use hydrogen peroxide for five minutes. Be sure to rinse with cold water afterward. Don’t use hot water because the heat could distort the shape of the plastic.

If you ever break your Invisalign, be sure to call the office immediately. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Different types of bad bites in children

In a previous article, we had provided a glossary of common terms, one of them was malocclusion which is the Latin word for “bad bite.” Believe it or not, there are a number of different types of bad bites that we see in children. A couple of the most common are:

Cross bites: Cross bites are probably the most common type of bites we see in children. They can happen to the back or the front teeth. Regarding the front teeth, when the top teeth fit inside of the bottom teeth, it is most commonly referred to as an under bite. When there is a cross bite of the back teeth, it can potentially lead to jaw problems.

Open bites: Open bites occur when a child bites down, their front teeth form an opening. This type of  bite generally comes from finger sucking or thumb sucking.

Deep bites: These types of bites are characterized by the top teeth overlapping the bottom teeth and when the child smiles, you don’t see as many bottom teeth as you would like.

Crowding: Crowding in a child’s mouth doesn’t always require orthodontic treatment because the mouth hasn’t stopped growing. Sometimes adult teeth come in a little earlier or later than planned and their size doesn’t always perfectly align with the current baby teeth.

It’s best to see an orthodontist about any one of these types of bites, he or she will then be able to respond with a course of action. For more information, check out these AAO-produced video:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Preparing for Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is just around the corner! 1) Did you get a gift? 2) Do you have a plan?

If you answered no to either of those questions, you’re cutting it pretty close. Luckily for you, we’re here to help. Here are our top five gifts and top five places to go in San Antonio for Mother’s Day:

Gifts –
1. At-home gel manicure set – Our moms in the office said this was the ticket. Let mom pamper herself without even having to visit the salon!
2. Jewelry – Always a classic. And now with shops like Etsy, you can get quality handmade products that aren’t your run-of-the-mill diamond tennis bracelet. Get her something that means something.

3. Electric toothbrush – You knew we couldn’t put together a list without including this, right?

4. A clean house – Whether you pay someone to do it, or you assign chores for the whole family, mom will 
appreciate a home that is spic-and-span. (Bonus points if you can actually keep it this way for a week!)

5. Edible arrangement – This is a treat the whole family can enjoy. Why get a bouquet of flowers that will die in a few days, when you can get fresh fruit in a variety of shapes and sizes!

Places –
1. Bliss – Located in the up-and-coming Southtown neighborhood, Bliss’ all-American contempory cuisine is sure to delight!

 2. Il Sogno Osteria – If you haven’t had the opportunity to check out the newly-renovated Pearl Brewery, now is the time. Il Sogno offers traditional Italian cuisine that will make her say, “brava!”

3. La Fogata – Home of the most beautiful margaritas in San Antonio, La Fogata’s south-of-the-border atmosphere would be the perfect backdrop for a Mexican Mother’s Day lunch.

4. Silo Elevated Cuisine – If you want to try a place on the Northside, give Silo a try! They offer traditional American dining in the sky.  

5. Wildfish Seafood Grille – The ultimate is luxury seafood, Wildfish’s fresh flavors and cool setting will put mom in the perfect mood for Mother’s Day

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cinco de Mayo: A History

Spanish for “Fifth of May,” Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexico’s victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the first years of the American Civil War. Today, the date is observed in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. Cinco de Mayo is generally mistaken to be Mexico's Independence Day—the most important national holiday in Mexico, celebrated on September 16—but it is not.

In the 1860s, Mexicans and Latinos living in California during the American Civil War are credited with being the first to celebrate Cinco de Mayo in the United States. The holiday soon spread to other U.S. cities with heavy Hispanic populations and on June 7, 2005, issued a Concurrent Resolution calling on the President to issue a proclamation to observe Cinco de Mayo with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

In San Antonio, there are a number of ways to celebrate including events at Market Square. Festivities include Mariachis, Tejano and Conjunto music groups, Folklorico dancers, arts and crafts, concerts and lots of great food!

Be safe and happy Cinco de Mayo!