Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month!

Did you know that May is designated the National Physical Fitness and Sports Month? In 1983, President Ronald Reagan encouraged Americans to incorporate more activity into their lives, and the reminder is even more significant in this day and age, as kids everywhere are distracted more and more by television, social networking and video games. Kids living an active lifestyle can improve their health, productivity and overall well-being, and best of all? It doesn’t have to take a lot of time!

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has provided these public health guidelines for your convenience. The guidelines call for children and teens to exercise for at least one hour each day of moderate intensity physical activity (such as playing sports or brisk walking) or one hour and 15 minutes of vigorous activity (jogging, dancing and jumping rope). 

At Texas Orthodontics, we encourage our patients to stay fit by exercising or participating in various sports. We also remind everyone to always wear a mouth guard or other forms of facial protection when playing sports especially if you currently have braces.

At Texas Orthodontics, We're Gonna Make You smile®

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April is National Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April is National Oral Cancer Awareness Month. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our patients about the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene while you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. Periodically visiting your dentist during your orthodontic treatment will not only help keep your teeth and mouth healthy while you have braces, but will also help maintain the rest of your body healthy.

While some may think oral cancer is rare, it will cause over 8,000 deaths each year, or about one person per hour every hour of the day. This makes it the sixth-most common diagnosed form of the disease. And according to the Oral Cancer Foundation more than 43,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal (throat) cancer this year alone. Public awareness about this serious disease and its risk factors is crucial to saving lives. Dentists are in a unique position to perform oral screenings every day that can help us identify abnormalities in the mouth at the earliest stage.

Are You At Risk?

The fastest growing segment of oral cancer patients are young, healthy, nonsmoking individuals. That’s why it is more important than ever for all adults to have regular oral cancer screenings. Knowing the risks can also help you make educated decisions about your health. There are several risk factors for oral cancer, including:
  • Smoking and tobacco use are long-term historic causes of oral cancer.
  • Heavy alcohol use makes you more likely to develop oral cancer.
  • The HPV virus, a sexually-transmitted disease, is the leading cause of oropharyngeal (the back part of the mouth) cancer.

Recognize the symptoms

It is highly recommended that you talk to your dentist immediately if you notice any of the following symptoms:
  • Sores in the mouth that bleed easily or do not heal
  • A thick or hard spot or lump
  • A roughened or crusted area
  • Numbness, pain or tenderness

The importance of early detection

Many people do not realize that oral cancer screenings are typically a part of a more extensive exam performed during routine visits to the dentist. Dentists can be a first line of defense in identifying abnormalities in the mouth, which could be signs of oral cancer. A thorough oral cancer screening takes less than five minutes so please get checked, and stay a step ahead of oral cancer. When found early, oral cancers have an 80 to 90 percent survival rate so please  make sure to visit your dentist regularly.

Please take care of your teeth and let us now if you have any questions about your oral health during your next adjustment appointment. At Texas Orthodontics, We're Gonna Make You Smile®

Monday, March 23, 2015

How To Choose The Best Orthodontic Care Specialist In San Antonio

Whenever you seek to hire a professional or consult an expert, in any given situation, you always want to work with the best of the best. When it comes to your dental health the same applies. There are many professional dentists who work with orthodontics in San Antonio and surrounding areas but getting braces or Invisalign is a very important decision that will affect your smile forever. So would you trust your teeth to anyone in random or should you choose a well-recommended, experienced orthodontic specialist? The answer is quite obvious.

The challenge is to know for sure that the orthodontist you are visiting is as good as you would expect. At the very onset, you must remember one thing. All orthodontists are dentists but only a small fraction of dentists are orthodontists. On average, dentists have to complete about 8,000 hours of dental training to gain their dental degree. Orthodontic specialists on the other hand, have to complete near 6,000 hours of additional training in an accredited residency program before becoming orthodontists. This is why you commonly visit your general dentist for routine work like cleaning, fillings, extractions, crowns and cosmetic dental work. But when it comes to your smile and facial esthetics, you are referred to an accredited orthodontist skilled in the art and science of orthodontics.
Another important factor in making your choice depends greatly on the facility and the treatments that an orthodontist offers. Today, there is no justification not to opt for those orthodontists who have a well-equipped, state of the art facility. Old facilities that seem out of place with time and do not instill confidence in your treatment are not where you want to visit, get diagnosed or get treated for any condition that demands orthodontic care. Moreover, you must consider the set of treatments offered by any given orthodontic facility given the various types of orthodontic treatments available in the market today. Some of which are traditional while others are very contemporary or modern. Regardless, you must always opt for the safest treatment that best suits your need and budget and should always choose an orthodontist that is an expert in their field.

Texas Orthodontics offers the most affordable, highest quality orthodontic treatment in the most state-of-the-art facility in the San Antonio and Central and South Texas area. Their doctors are orthodontic specialists with many years of extensive knowledge and experience typically required to help people enjoy a lifetime of smiles. They also offer several treatment options including traditional braces, clear braces, Invisalign for Adults, Invisalign for Teen and other leading edge orthodontic technology proven to deliver the best possible results. 

To learn more about the right treatment for you, please give Texas Orthodontics a call at (210) 354-3131 or visit their website at to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Invisalign vs Braces: What's the Difference?


Whether you are a parent of a teen in need of braces, or an adult seeking treatment for your own teeth, choosing the appropriate treatment can be somewhat difficult and costly too. There are many different types of treatments and new technologies in the dental field today, perhaps this article will help you to decide whether Invisalign or traditional metal braces are right for you and how to obtain either one for thousands less.

With traditional braces, there are many benefits including cost and efficiency of treatment. They are the least expensive options although the price point can go up depending on the brand and required treatment. Some metal braces are less noticeable than others and do not use uncomfortable elastic bands. But more importantly, traditional metal braces are commonly used when treating severe orthodontic problems that cannot be easily fixed by Invisalign.  

On the other hand, there are tons of benefits to Invisalign treatment. They are more esthetically pleasing than metal braces, easier to maintain and highly more effective at treating mild to moderate dental problems. This includes a wide range of tooth alignment concerns as well as most series bite issues. And although they can’t be used for some severe cases, most people will be eligible for Invisalign if their orthodontist deems it appropriate.

Of course the most obvious reason why people choose Invisalign is the fact they are mostly invisible and far more attractive than metal braces. This is generally a main concern for today’s active teens as well as busy adults who worry about how the look of metal braces may affect their professional life. Teenagers in particular dislike metal braces because it makes them stand out, and can severely hinder their lifestyle through food and routine restrictions. But image aside, Invisalign can be great for maintaining good dental hygiene and avoiding tooth decay.  This is because metal braces typically make brushing and flossing so difficult while Invisalign can easily be popped out before eating and cleaning at any time.

Whether you are considering metal braces or Invisalign treatment for yourself or your children, you are sure to find many choices in San Antonio and the surrounding areas. But no one can provide you with the high quality treatment and give you great results while saving you thousands of dollars like Texas Orthodontics. As San Antonio’s premier orthodontic care center, Texas Orthodontics has set out to revolutionize the industry by offering both traditional braces and Invisalign for thousands less than anywhere else. In fact, you can obtain Invisalign treatment for less than what most other orthodontists would charge for metal braces.

So be sure to visit their website at or call (210) 354-3131 to schedule your complimentary patient consultation. Their friendly, professional orthodontic care specialists will help you acquire the beautiful smile you always wanted.